Dr. Ilona Görög

Psychodrama therapist, trainer, supervisor, Psychologist with Ph.D. in Sociology
Brasov (Romania)
I am one of the first psychodramatist generation in Romania trained soon after the fall of communism by PIfE e.V. trainers and supervisors. This training was not only initiating us in psychodrama, but a main path to healing. Most of us being psychologists have chosen to apply psychodrama in psychotherapy. After more than 25 years, our societies face new challenges to which we shall answer by developing creative applications of psychodrama, sociometry and group therapy. I am convinced that together we can find better solutions, continuing the collaboration and exchanges in the renewed framework, based on the philosophy of the founders of Psychodrama-Institut für Europa e.V.
For several years I have served as vice-president with professional training in the “J.L.Moreno” Psychodrama Society (Romania) and this work has made me study the curricula of other psychodrama schools. I realize how important is still the objective set out in the Statute in 1992 “to develop uniform criteria for qualification, which are comparable among the various European countries” in order to facilitate the mobility of professionals and clients. I am honoured to work in the new board of Psychodrama Association for Europe e.V. and by the chance to contribute.
I live now in Brasov, but I’m often in my hometown, Tirgu Mures, working for the Foundation for Human Ecology “Oasis”, and visiting family.