Ethical guidelines

of the Psychodrama Association for Europe e.V.

It is the duty of the Psychodrama Association for Europe e.V. – be it trainers, managers, therapists, supervisors, guest lecturers or training candidates – to act ethically responsibly towards others and themselves while acting out their profession. They respect and protect the dignity of any human being no matter of which race, gender, age, religious, political and sexual belief.

In the field of Psychodrama, Sociometry  and Psychodrama Group therapy it is especially requested that responsibility towards the following principles be enacted:

1. Integrity of work relations
2. Loyalty and collectively

as to 1) Members of the Psychodrama Association for Europe e.V. are obligated to

a. agree on confidentiality and keep it
b. provide information about their methods and practices applied, and about the adequateness and consequences of these
c. not take advantage of existing relationships of dependency regarding professional, financial or sexual matters or any other matters in order to achieve a personal advantage
d. assure ‘the equality of status‘ inside the therapeutic group (Moreno)
e. speak about conflicts that occur in the group within the group

as to 2) Members of the Psychodrama Association for Europe e.V. are held to pursue and defend the goals of the Association, to follow the guidelines of the individual commissions and to act towards one another with mutual and collective respect.

Since April 1999