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Available Psychodrama Theses.

Possibilities of Application of Psychodrama in the Treatment of Psychosomatic Disorders.
By Asta Strigockaitė-Litvinko

A psychodramatic approach to working with resistance in groups and individually.
By Rita Kazanavičiūtė

Role repertoire analysis and expansion.
By Monika Meilutė-Ribokė

An invitation to a psychodramatic meeting.
By Daiva Zaščižinskienė

Working with the Imagination on the Psychodrama Scene: Teachers Professional Competences.
By Gintarė Kazakevičienė

A psychodrama adventure at school.
By Lina Linkė

Application of psychodrama elements in individual therapy in person (Reiki therapy) and at distance (Hedepy platform).
By Rūta Janulevičienė

A copy of a thesis can be requested through by using the email header ” Thesis Request” .