“New Year´s Meeting” 

Dear members, colleagues and friends! We would like to start the new year together with you! Toast together and create space for a New Year's exchange. We look forward to seeing you again! With this link you can participate: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81827751174?pwd=M1hqWFFPN3kweDF0WGk2ZXNnR0RVQT09 Meeting ID: 818 2775 1174 identification code: 180107 With best New Year greetings, Your board

Full Board Meeting

If you have any questions to the board or want to address any issues please contact us via board@psychodrama-for-europe.eu

Full Board Meeting

If you have any questions to the board or want to address any issues please contact us via board@psychodrama-for-europe.eu

Members meet Members Meeting

Our next Members meet Members-Meeting will take place on Monday, 21st of March, 6 p.m. CET Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88694327057?pwd=TExHY3p6KzFxZDllQk5QalcraitiUT09   Meeting-ID: 886 9432 7057 Kenncode: 745130