Executive Board Meeting

Every Member is invited to contact the executive Board via office@psychodrama-for-europe.eu consisting of: Jacomien Ilbrink, Chairwoman Gerda Mävers, Secretary Johanna Olberding, Treasurer

Members meet Members & Friends

This Members meet Members-Meeting will take place on Monday, 20th of June, 6 p.m. CET Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88694327057?pwd=TExHY3p6KzFxZDllQk5QalcraitiUT09   Meeting-ID: 886 9432 7057 Kenncode: 745130

Executive Board Meeting

Every Member is invited to contact the executive Board via office@psychodrama-for-europe.eu consisting of: Jacomien Ilbrink, Chairwoman Gerda Mävers, Secretary Johanna Olberding, Treasurer

Full Board Meeting

Our full board Meeting takes place and our Members are invited to register to the board Meeting if you have any interest to join, share ideas and thoughts. Please register via e-Mail to office@psychodrama-for-europe.eu Your Board

Members meet Members & Friends

This Members meet Members-Meeting will take place on Monday, 11th of July, 6 p.m. CET Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88694327057?pwd=TExHY3p6KzFxZDllQk5QalcraitiUT09   Meeting-ID: 886 9432 7057 Kenncode: 745130

Members meet Members & Friends Meeting

This Members meet Members & Friends Meeting will take place on Monday, 1st of August at 6 p.m. CET  Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88694327057?pwd=TExHY3p6KzFxZDllQk5QalcraitiUT09 Meeting-ID: 886 9432 7057 Kenncode: 745130 We invite you to these meetings to create a space for international encounters. Each meeting includes impulses and is moderated.  This is a time of connecting with each other. […]

Executive Board Meeting

Every Member is invited to contact the executive Board via office@psychodrama-for-europe.eu consisting of: Jacomien Ilbrink, Chairwoman Gerda Mävers, Secretary Johanna Olberding, Treasurer

Coordination Meeting of the First-Aid-Groups

This is a closed and project-based meeting. This project is coordinated by Johanna Olberding and Gerda Mävers. Questions about this project are welcome to office@psychodrama-for-europe.eu

Members meet Members & Friends Meeting

This Members meet Members & Friends Meeting will take place on Monday, 12th of September at 6 p.m. CET  Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88694327057?pwd=TExHY3p6KzFxZDllQk5QalcraitiUT09 Meeting-ID: 886 9432 7057 Kenncode: 745130 We invite you to these meetings to create a space for international encounters. Each meeting includes impulses and is moderated.  This is a time of connecting with each other. […]