Jacomien Ilbrink

Studied Creative Arts Therapies, Certified psychodramatist CP, TEP in training (PAT)
During my studies in creative arts therapies at the New School, New York, I discovered psychodrama in 2001. The next 4 years I intensively studied psychodrama as well as assisted as a co-therapist in the last two years of my stay in New York.
During my studies, it has been a privilege to gain an in-depth insight of how to apply sociometry in groups and upon return to Europe I decided to specialize in teaching sociometry. Over the years I also developed applying sociometry in working with teams and leadership, which I combine with effective, or non-violent communication.
Psychodrama and it’s corresponding philosophy of co-creating a better world continues to fascinate me and therefore, also working with sociodrama is close to my heart. Moreno’s vision of countering the “sociodynamic effect” is what motivates me to chair this Association as my contribution to the world.