Training & Trainer

On request, the Psychodrama Association for Europe e.V. sends qualified further education and training instructors to different countries to train colleagues such as doctors, psychologists, educationalists, priests, actors…

The participants receive training and supervision based on European standards and on completion of the course, dependent on their professions, a certificate qualifying them as Psychodrama Leader or Psychodrama Therapist.

We like to think of our work as “help for self-help”. – Our aim is to provide support for our colleagues in their respective countries, to build structures based on solid foundations that will enable them to manage and to run their own trainings in their own responsability as quickly as possible.

Currently we support training and supervision in Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Belarus and in the Ukraine.

On behalf of the Psychodrama Association for Europe e.V. and the executive board, various members of our organisation travel abroad in order to lead training and further education groups in the respective member countries and / or to work as Supervisors.

Colloqium in Poland which took place in Gliwice – the Comission was:
Jarosław Gliszczyński as trainer, Ilona Gorog as representative of the Psychodrama Association for Europe e.V. and Anna Bielanska as the chair of Polish Psychodrama Institute.

Another one which was in February 2018 in Cracow – the Comission was:
Agnieszka Bartkowska-Kurek and Wiesława Piątek Janicka as trainers, Ilona Gorog as representative of the Psychodrama Association for Europe e.V. and Hilde Gött as supervisor